We meet at 9:00am for a variety of Sunday School classes. Our courses are a series of informative, interactive, and challenging classes that are meant to help you in your Christian walk. Promiseland, our children's ministry for Kindergarten through fifth grade, also runs at this time in the Firehouse.
This Sunday School class session will start on April 21st and end on June 23rd.
Adult Class:Systematic Theology, part 3 (The Holy Spirit, The Church, End Times)
Location: Church Lower Level
Teachers: Frank Lettko, Rob Miles, Jeff Crispin, Kyle Gillam, Jason Tyrell
Class Description: We will continue our school year-long study of what the whole Bible has to say about various vital doctrines of Scripture. This semester, we plan to teach on the Holy Spirit, the Church, and the end times. If you were not a part of this class in previous semesters, you are more than welcome to join us! You will not be lost or behind in any way.
Discovering Joy
Location: Hope House (right side)
Teacher: Larry Lazarus
When: During the first four weeks of Sunday School (4/21-5/12)
Discovering Joy is both for those intending to pursue membership at JCF and those who would like to learn more about the church. Please email Larry Lazarus at llazarus@joycf.org if you plan to attend, or if you have any questions.
The purpose of Discovering Joy is to provide an overview of the life, ministry, and beliefs of Joy Community Fellowship. These 4 classes are part of our membership process, although attending them in no way obligates you to join. It is our hope and prayer that you will find these classes helpful, encouraging, and challenging as you consider what a great privilege and responsibility it is to be a Christian united to a body of believers.
Student Class (Grades 6-12):Gospel Centered Defense of the Faith
Location: Hope House
Teachers: Aaron Winthers, Dave Pyle, Jason Tyrell
Class Description: We are inundated with messages from the world around us, from our own flesh, and from the father of lies - all of which challenge our trust in the validity of our faith. Is our faith reasonable? What tools do we have to defend against the faulty arguments of this world? And how do we represent the truth in such a way that our end goal is always gospel proclamation? Our students will be pursuing the answers to these questions, with goals of awakening faith, strengthening faith, and sharing the hope of Christ in this world.
Promiseland (Grades PreK-5th): The Gospel Story Bible
Location: Firehouse
Teachers: Nancy Magin, Mark Thompson, Bill Cosenza, Fran Hawthorne, Reilly Thompson & Jane Risoli
Our young ones are blessed to be able to consider the stories of Scripture and how they point us to Jesus! We have a great group of leaders who will lead the kids in singing, Scripture memory, learning from the Word, and lots of fun!