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Our role in Children's Ministry is to support and encourage the ministry of the parents. This happens organically in the church family in a variety of ways. Our prayer is that children would see a vibrant faith in their parents and in the family of the church. We ask the Lord that He would give children in our church the gift of faith that endures to the end and leads to generations of godliness.

"Promiseland" is our regular children's ministry program that meets on Sunday mornings during our Sunday School hour (approximately 30 weeks per year). Our aim is to impart to children a vision of God, who He is, and who we are in relation to Him, and to establish them with a foundation of doctrine and truth. We want them biblically grounded, seeing God as the hero of every story, with a God-centered world view and a faith that will hold them when the days of testing come. We are currently using The Gospel Story Bible Cirriculum. 

Children from kindergarten up are invited to be part of the entire worship service, as we believe there is a special joy in having children worship God with their families. 

Promiseland (Kindergarten-5th grade; childcare provided from birth to Pre-K) 
9:00 - 9:45am

Worship Gathering (Childcare provided from birth - Pre-K)
10:00 - 11:30am