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From the Pastors at Joy

Walking by the Spirit: Baby Steps


In yesterday's sermon, I tried to share personally and practically about my warfare with "the flesh", and how to walk by the Spirit.  I had hoped to follow that up with some simple steps to encourage you to pursue this same experience in your own life, but I ran out of time to do that.  So here's what I had hoped to share.

The end of the summer is a time to step back and take inventory on our spiritual lives.  I know this will be difficult for some people, but try to take some time (2-3 hours ideally) where you can be alone with God.  No kids, no cell phones, ipads, etc.  Just you, a Bible and a notepad or journal.  As I said, I know this is a challenge for many of you, especially those with small children, but do what you can to make this a priority over the next week, or few weeks.  Husbands and wives, help each other with childcare to free one another up for this. 

In your time, first spend some time reading through Galatians or Ephesians or Philippians or Colossians or 1 Peter or 1 John.  Remember, the most important thing you can to do to experience a life of walking by the Spirit is to saturate your mind and heart in the Word which the Spirit inspired.  I chose these books because they are relatively short, but meaty, and can be read from beginning to end in a short amount of time.  As you read, be on the lookout for the truths of who God is, what He has done, is doing, and will do in Christ and who you are because of that.  Write down what God reveals to you by His Spirit.

After reading, spend some intentional quiet time, simply listening to Him as you ask:

1. Start with the fruit of the Spirit, in Galatians 5:22-23.  Where are you seeing evidence of the Spirit's fruit in your life?  Praise Him for His gracious activity in your life!

2.  Ask God to reveal truth about Jesus to you in any area of your life where you are ignorant of it.

3. Ask Him, in what areas of your life are you walking in unbelief, or forgetfulness, towards any truths about Him?

4. Ask Him to show you where there's any rebellion against Him, or hostility towards His ways.  Is there anywhere you're not giving Him access into your life, or where you're angry with His governance over your life?

5. Ask Him to show you who He wants you to actively love, and what tangible step(s) to take towards that.

Be still, give Him time, and God will surely speak.  Write down what He's saying, and then commit to sharing what you've heard with a few others (family, Life Group, a subset of your Life Group, a few friends, etc.).  Life in the Spirit is not a private, individualistic reality.  Walking by the Spirit is meant to be a corporate, communal activity, so make sure you're including others for support, encouragement, accountability, etc.      

Respond in repentance and faith where the Spirit exposes sin and reveals Jesus.  Beyond these steps, there is simply no better way to experience a Spirit-led life in an ongoing way than to cultivate a regular (ie, daily) practice of prayerfully meditating on the Scriptures.  If you're unsure where or how to start doing that, feel free to speak to me or another member of the staff.