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From the Pastors at Joy

Sharing God's Story This Week

Last night I encouraged those who were gathered for our first week of training to put what we learned into action by sharing the Story of God this week with someone who is not yet a believer.  I posted the Story overview that I used in the teaching here, so you have that at your disposal.  Here are a few suggestions for carrying out our mission this week:

1. Pray that the Spirit would reveal to you who He is wanting you to share with.  It's amazing how God will speak to us if we are quiet before Him and ask Him to direct us! 

2. Open things up by simply telling the person that you're doing a little research on something you heard at church this past weekend (or something along those lines), and ask them in their own personal view, what is the Bible?  Or, as they understand it, what is the purpose or point of the Bible?  What's it about?  It's the best-selling book of all time, so most people should have some opinion of what it is!

3. Then you could share briefly that what we were talking about as a church is that even though the Bible is a big book, from beginning to end it tells one grand story about why the world was made, what's gone wrong, and what God has done and is doing in history to set things right.  Ask them if, again, as part of your research, you could take 5-10 minutes and share the Story with them.  You might want to share with them that a lot of people don't believe that this is a true Story, but that you believe it is.  If they'd rather not hear the Story, don't be discouraged.  Remember, the Spirit is always the primary discipler of people!   

4. Read over the Story a few times on your own (maybe make it a part of your daily devotions), so you gain some fluency in the Story and don't have to read it word for word to someone, if you get the chance to share.  You probably won't remember every detail, but giving people the overall big picture is what's most important.  Keep in mind the four stages, or acts, of the Story:

Creation -- God created everything good, Adam and Eve were made in God's image to be in relationship with Him, to live under His good and wise rule in a way that demonstrated His glory, and to care for and cultivate God's creation, to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.

Fall -- Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command, choosing to live their own way rather than God's way (sin).  Because He is holy and can't dwell in the presence of evil, God sent them out of His presence and mankind experienced pain and struggle in the world, and ultimately death.  All the goodness of God's creation began to unravel because of man's rebellion against God, because of our desire to do things our way, instead of God's way.

Redemption -- There's a ton to share in this part, but try to highlight the covenant promise to Abraham and his family, the formation of the people of Israel to walk in God's ways and show the world what He is like, their consistent failure to submit to God's ways and God's judgment as a result, but God's persistent love for His people and the promise of a coming King/Messiah to rescue and restore humanity/creation, the birth of Jesus, His call for people to follow Him and enter God's Kingdom, His promise to give life to those who believe in Him, His death for our sins, resurrection from death, ascension, sending the Holy Spirit, Great Commission, establishment of the church.

Consummation -- Jesus promised to come back to earth one day to destroy all evil, sin and rebellion. Then there will be no more sickness, pain, or death. God’s Kingdom will come in fullness, and everyone and everything will live under his rule.  We'll have perfect joy, because God will be perfectly honored and praised as the center of this New World.

5. Relax!  Remember, the mission of disciple-making is the Spirit's work (I know I wrote that already, but we need to be reminded regularly).  He is pleased to use people like you and me, but the success of the mission doesn't depend on us!  You're not going to foil God's redemptive plans in someone's life because you stammered through the Story and felt it wasn't smooth enough, forgot a part that you wanted to say, or couldn't answer someone's question.  Ask God for His help, and trust that He'll work through you!

6. If time allows, and if the person is open to it, you might want to ask them a few questions after you share the Story: "Do you have any questions about what I shared?  What stood out to you as you heard the Story?  Was there anything surprising, encouraging or confusing?  What did you learn about God in the Story?" 

7.  Pray for the others in our church who will be sharing the Story this week.  We have the privilege of joining in God's mission together, not as isolated individuals.  Prayer is one way we express our togetherness in Jesus' mission.  

We'll begin our time next Sunday night by taking a few minutes to hear some of the cool stories of how God worked in and through us this week.