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From the Pastors at Joy

Praying through the Church Covenant


As we consider the church covenant together on Sunday mornings in August, a member of the church reminded me about the week of prayer we had back in January that also focused on the church covenant.  To help us pray effectively, I made up a guide for each of the five points of the covenant. 

If any of you would like to pray intentionally during this series, I will post the different portions of the prayer guide on the weeks corresponding to those points of the covenant.  Though I am posting this one a bit late, I'll try to do it on Monday in the weeks to come, so you can spend a whole week praying for these various points.

Here is what I wrote up in January for the first point of the covenant, on pursuing personal purity and seeking spiritual growth:

I will maintain personal purity and seek spiritual growth

Give thanks for...

The ways you have seen the word of the gospel growing and bearing fruit in you over the past year (Colossians 1:3-6)

The righteousness of Christ credited to you, so that your performance as a Christian is not the basis of God's love for you (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 5:12-21, Philippians 3:1-9)

The indwelling Holy Spirit, who empowers you to live a life of godliness (Romans 6:1-11, 8:9-11, Titus 2:11-14)

Pray for...

A heart of submission to God's will (Matthew 26:39, James 4:7, Psalm 131, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15)

Increased love, longing and delight in God as our treasure and joy (Psalm 16, 27, 63:1-8, Philippians 1:20-21, 3:7-8)

Deepening fellowship with God in the Word and prayer (John 8:32, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119, Colossians 4:2, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6-7)

To not be conformed to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your minds (Romans 12:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17, Colossians 3:5-10)

That Jesus would reign over every aspect of your life (Colossians 1:18, 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:31)

1 Comment

Just wanted to share..... that ... I am so Tottally BLOWN AWAY by that HUGE WORK which thee SPIRIT has accomplished in my life primarily through and by my brothers and sisters of JCF!! I would like to LOVINGLY exhort and ENCOURAGE "you guys" to (if not already?) AVAIL yourselves to Lifegroups....make an effort to meet fellow BRO's & SISTER's in our BODY!!! I know I ALWAYS feel WAY AWKWARD and usually , selfishly balk at my somewhat well planned intentions to do so on Sunday mornings..... opting for MAKE ME FEEL GOOD touches with those I only see briefly on Sunday Mornings!!! I would welcome SPECIFIC prayer requests from any & ALL!! May i also LOVINGLY encourage "you guys" to CONSTANTLY remember our BODY and also our Leaders when you hit your knees??!!??
The letter of Paul to the Ephesians...Chapter 4 VS 1-16 My prayer for US...
FATHER i love and praise YOU!!! YOU are so totally AWESOME!!! I am always totally miffed by your PHENOMINAL GRACE MERCY and LOVE for me!!! THE heavens declare YOUR GLORY!! HALLELUJAH to the KING of KINGS!!! FATHER.. my prayer for OUR/YOUR body of followers identified earthly as JCF...Please bless us with our hearts being inclined to YOUR TRUTH!!! I HUMBLY petition that YOUR SPIRIT descend upon each & everyone of us to empower us to walk in all of YOUR ways& obey ALL of YOUR commandments!! JEHOVAH JIRAH!!!! ELOHIM PRAISE ADONAI (sp?) I know YOU hear these requests and I pray them in the name of JESUS of NAZERETH.... THEE ABSOLUTE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES!!! and lastly FATHER i humbly request that ALL the peoples on this earth might know that YOU and YOU ALONE are GOD and there is NO OTHER!!! amen &amen!!

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