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From the Pastors at Joy

Mark 1-5: The Incomparable Jesus

Our journey through the New Testament this year starts in the book of Mark. And how is it possible to write a single devotional thought on five chapters so full?

Behold the brilliance of your Savior!  He comes proclaiming the gospel of God (1:14-15), teaching with an authority previously unseen (1:21-22).  He was different from the scribes and teachers of the Law, because He taught in the power of the Holy Spirit.  His authority is astonishing!  He has the authority to even forgive sins (2:10), which is wonderful news for us!  And chapters 1-5 give us a glimpse of the even wider scope of His authority.  He commands the demons (1:25, 3:11-12, 5:8) and they go where He sends them, He heals the sick and the lame (1:31, 1:41, 2:11, 5:29), and He commands the wind and the sea and they obey Him (5:39)!  These truths lead us to worship His great name!

Even as the glory of His authority shines so brightly, we should be struck by the fact that His humility shines just as brightly!  The very fact that the eternal One took on flesh is astounding enough, but then we see Him tending to His rebellious creations with love and care, calling them to repent and believe.  We see Him angering the high and lofty ones, the so-called representatives of God, by showing kindness and compassion to the needy.  And who were the ones He called to be His followers, and who were the ones He chose to be His apostles?  Were they the "upper crust" of society?  The most intelligent?  The most powerful?  We see Jesus calling James and John, two fishermen, to become "fishers of men."  We see Him calling Levi, a reviled tax collector, then having dinner with the tax collectors and sinners.  Why?  Because "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."  What wonderful news this is for us!  For who among us can boast that we bring anything to the table with regard to righteousness or nobility?  Yet Jesus came to us and called us!  Praise God for that good news!

As these chapters conclude, we see that not even death is beyond the reach of Jesus' authority (5:41-42)!  And this is just a shadow, just a foretaste of what is to come!  This Jesus will become the firstborn from the dead, conquering the power of sin and death, becoming the source of eternal life for all who repent and believe in His name!  This little girl's resurrection is a reminder that there is a day coming where death will be finally and fully defeated (1 Cor. 15:26) and that our great God will be all in all (1 Cor. 15:28)! 

Let's continue our journey through the Word of God, given eyes to see Jesus rightly by the Spirit of God, praying that God will increase our worship of Him and cause in us an ever increasing desire to see Him glorified through us!

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