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From the Pastors at Joy

Discussion Questions, 8/26/12

1. When you think of what makes a successful/healthy church, what things tend to come to mind? How do those things square with the vision for health that Paul describes in this passage?

2. Be as honest with yourself as possible: why are you part of a local church? What goal or purpose do you have for yourself as a Christian, and for the church as whole? What is the goal that Paul has in mind for the church in this passage?

3. How have you seen growth/maturity in Christ over the past year? Think through the head, heart, hands categories that were mentioned in the message.

4. As you think about the church's ministry and health, do you have a "you" or "we" mindset? 

5. What is a spiritual gift?  How can we as a group grow and encourage one another in the use of our spiritual gifts?


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