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From the Pastors at Joy

Discussion Questions, 8/19/12

1. What is the difference between a consumer relationship and a covenant relationship? Which category do you think one's relationship to the church fits into? Why?

2. What is church unity based on? What are the implications of this for our church as a whole, and for our Life Group?

3. What do Ephesians 4:1-6, 4:31-5:2 and 1 Corinthians 13 imply about life together in the church? What are some ways that God has used difficulty in relationships (in the church and outside of it) to make you more into the image of Jesus?

4. How is the remembrance of God's love in Christ meant to shape our relationship to others in the church? How does it empower us to love others in the way that the Scriptures call us to love?

5. Is there any step of obedience that God wants you to take in response to this passage/sermon to repair a broken relationship? How can we support and encourage you to follow through on that step by God’s grace?

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