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From the Pastors at Joy

Discussion Questions, 8/12/12

1. What does the pursuit of personal purity have to do with our membership in the Body of Christ?  What are some tangible ways that your sin might affect others, and their sin might affect you?

2. "There's nothing I could ever do to make God any more pleased or less pleased with me than He is right now."  In what sense is this statement true?  In what sense it is false?  What is the danger of embracing only the true aspect of this statement and not the false aspect of it? 

3. What is a life that is pleasing to God?  In what way is the call to live a holy life good news for us?  When it doesn't feel like the call to holiness is good news, what's going on? 

4. How is the knowledge of God meant to empower our pursuit of holiness?  As Larry did with sexual temptation, think of another common struggle and talk through how the knowledge of God might impact your struggle in that area.

5. Who is the Holy Spirit?  What is His role in our pursuit of a life pleasing to God?  Why is the awareness of His work so crucial to our pursuit of holiness?  How have you seen Him working in you?

6. What are some ways that we (as a Life Group, as a family) can stimulate one another to love and good deeds? 

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