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From the Pastors at Joy

Discussion Questions -- 7/22/12

Passage: Luke 7:18-23
Other Key Passage: Isaiah 42:1-4


1. Read the Isaiah 42 passage and the Luke 7 passage. How does John fit the description of a "bruised reed" in the Luke passage?

2. How frequently do you identify with the description "bruised reed" or "faintly burning wick?"

3. What are some situations in your life where you were waiting on God to do a certain thing (maybe to deliver you or a loved one from something) but He did not do it? What was your response? Why?

4. Where in Jesus' response do we see his tender mercy toward John, and how do we experience such mercy in our lives?

5. Why is it key to look to Jesus in our weakness, doubt, and struggle rather than to hide until we get "stronger?" Why do we have the tendency to hide in our weakness?

6. Give examples of how looking to Jesus in weakness and fear, or seeing others do so, has been a blessing and strengthened your faith.

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