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From the Pastors at Joy

Archives for March 2015

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You are Not in the Flesh

Given the miserable condition called being “in the flesh” that Paul has been describing in verses 7-8, the personal affirmation of verse 9 is one of great encouragement:...

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Life in the Flesh

In a blog post last week, Jason began to explore from Romans 8:9ff the Christian believer’s experience of the indwelling Holy Spirit. But before we dig further into that wonder, it may be helpful to revisit Romans 8:7-8 and what it has to say about the ugliness and futility of our terrible enemy called “the flesh”. The jewel of life in the Spirit shines brightest aga...

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Paul's Confidence

"You, however are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him." -Romans 8:9 This sentence clearly puts a condition on the Christian's assurance. A person has no need to be concerned ifhe isin the flesh anymore, IF the Spirit of God dwells in him. It also sets up a cont...

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