We provide a list of upcoming sermons with the titles and texts of messages to be preached in the coming months. By giving this information ahead of time, we encourage thoughtful engagement with the text prior to hearing the sermon. In this way, we hope people will better grasp the Word that speaks with authority and grace to all who will hear it.
Sermons by Date
9/8: Everything He Has Made: Genesis 1:1-27
9/15: And God Said…: Genesis 1:1-27
9/22: One God, Three Persons: Genesis 1:26
9/29: Behold, it Was Very Good: Genesis 1:1-31
10/6: In His Own Image: Genesis 1:27
10:13: God’s Mission for Man: Genesis 1:28-31
10/20: Guard the Deposit: 2 Timothy 1
10/27: Remember Jesus Christ: 2 Timothy 2
11/3: Continue in the Word: 2 Timothy 3
11/10: To Him Be the Glory: 2 Timothy 4
Sermons by Series
Beginnings that Echo Into Eternity
The Start of a Series of Sermons from Genesis 1-3
Preacher: Jason Tyrell
9/8: Everything He Has Made Genesis 1:1-27
9/15: And God Said… Genesis 1:1-27
9/22: One God, Three Persons Genesis 1:26
9/29: Behold, it Was Very Good Genesis 1:1-31
10/6: In His Own Image Genesis 1:27
10:13: God’s Mission for Man Genesis 1:28-31
Only One Life…
Four Sermons from 2 Timothy
Preacher: Larry Lazarus
10/20: Guard the Deposit 2 Timothy 1
10/27: Remember Jesus Christ 2 Timothy 2
11/3: Continue in the Word 2 Timothy 3
11/10: To Him Be the Glory 2 Timothy 4
Stand Alone Sermon
9/1: Jesus, the Perfect High Priest Hebrews 10:1-18
Preacher: Jason Tyrell