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Seven Sayings

The Seven Sayings of Jesus

April 16, 2017

"Father, Into Thy Hands I Commit My Spirit!"

Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: Luke 23:44–49

April 14, 2017

"It is Finished"; A Glorious Beginning

Preacher: Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 19:28–30

April 9, 2017

"I Thirst"

Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 19:28–30

April 2, 2017

"My God, My God Why Have You Forsaken Me"

Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: Matthew 27:45–50

March 26, 2017

"Woman, Behold Your Son"

Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 19:23–27

March 12, 2017

"Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do"

Preacher: Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: Luke 23:34