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Sermons by Benjamin King IV

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October 16, 2022

Holiness & God's Leaders

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Stand Alone Topic: Sermon Scripture: Leviticus 21–22

October 10, 2021

The Savior's Sorrow

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Stand Alone Topic: Sermon Scripture: Mark 14:32–42

January 26, 2020

Enjoying Gospel Partnerships

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Multiply Topic: Our Mission Scripture: Philippians 1:1–11

August 25, 2019

Jesus Speaks Life

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Beholding Jesus: The Gospel of John Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 6:60–71

May 26, 2019

Restoration and a Future Glory

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Back From Babylon: The Book of Zechariah Topic: Sermon Scripture: Haggai 2:1–23

May 19, 2019

A Call to Rebuild

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Back From Babylon: The Book of Zechariah Topic: Sermon Scripture: Haggai 1:1–15

January 6, 2019

God is Our Fortress

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Stand Alone Topic: Sermon Scripture: Psalm 46:1–11

August 5, 2018

A Song to the Good Shepherd

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Songs for the Christian Life Topic: Sermon Scripture: Psalm 23

July 1, 2018

Jesus Prays for All Who Will Believe

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: How Jesus Prays Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 17:20–26

June 24, 2018

Jesus Prays For His Disciples

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: How Jesus Prays Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 17:6–19

June 17, 2018

Jesus Prays For Himself

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: How Jesus Prays Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 17:1–5

January 21, 2018

The Blessing of God's Mission

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: The Blessed Life Topic: Our Mission Scripture: Psalm 67:1–7

December 25, 2017

Christmas Eve Night

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: The Gospel According to Isaiah - Five Advent Sermons Topic: Sermon Scripture: Isaiah 63:15– 64:4

August 27, 2017

The Worst Great Preacher in History

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Jonah: A Story of God's Unfailing Mercy Topic: Sermon Scripture: Jonah 3:1– 4:11

August 20, 2017

The Running Prophet

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Jonah: A Story of God's Unfailing Mercy Topic: Sermon Scripture: Jonah 1:17– 2:9

April 9, 2017

"I Thirst"

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Seven Sayings Topic: Sermon Scripture: John 19:28–30

December 4, 2016

The Virgin Birth

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: The Wonder of Advent Topic: Sermon Scripture: Luke 1:26–55

August 21, 2016

By Faith Moses...

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Hebrews Topic: Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 11:23–28

February 28, 2016

Let Us Go on to Maturity

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Hebrews Topic: Sermon Scripture: Hebrews 5:11– 6:3

August 10, 2014

Worship When...Life is Not Fair

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Worship When... Topic: Sermon Scripture: Psalm 73:1–28

November 27, 2013

Blessed Because Another Was Cursed

Preacher: Benjamin King IV Series: Stand Alone Topic: Sermon Scripture: Galatians 3:10–16