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Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus


A Sermon Series on the Book of Lamentations

The riches of good in the gospel (=good news) of Jesus Christ are only felt when we are brutally honest about the deep pain and brokenness we experience in this fallen world. There may be no book in the Old Testament that depicts that brokenness more vividly than the book of Lamentations.

It’s that brokenness that Jesus came to heal when He was born in the manger two thousand years ago. So as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior during this Advent season, join us over the next four Sundays as we study Lamentations. It’s our prayer that as we think deeply and soberly about human anguish and misery, God would thrill our hearts with the good news of great joy that Jesus was born to unleash in the world.

December 1

Longing for Comfort
Lamentations 1

December 8

Longing for Mercy
Lamentations 2

December 15

Longing for Hope
Lamentations 3

December 22

Longing for Restoration
Lamentations 4-5