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From the Pastors at Joy

Hebrews 1-6: God Speaks

"Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son..."  Hebrews 1:1

Our journey through the NT has us in the book of Hebrews now (I apologize for not posting at the end of Acts).  And there is a message throughout the book of Hebrews that is crystal clear. Jesus is better!

Many of us believe that if we were to hear God's audible voice, or be present when He works a miracle (one of our choosing), our faith would be stronger.  We would really believe in Him then!  Sure, we know that God is at work in our day, and we know that He changes people's hearts, but we really need to see something awesome, something amazing, something we can touch.  Then we would follow Him without fail!

The examples we see from the nation of Israel and the very word of God itself tell us that these feelings are untrue!  God has spoken and does speak to us in these last days in a superior way, not an inferior one.  He has spoken to us by His Son!  Jesus Christ, is better and higher than the angels, who so powerfully declared God's words to His people in previous days.  The angels could not save, but the One who became for a little while lower than the angels, He is qualified to save!  The law of Moses could not and did not save.  Those who looked to and trusted in Moses were found lacking, sinful.  But Jesus is worthy of more glory and honor, " much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself."  Moses' work was that of a servant, but the Christ served as God's Son.  Entering the rest of the Promised land could not and did not save.  While many in Israel never reached the Promised land because of their unbelief, even those who did failed to experience the rest that God has planned for those who are His.  That rest comes through the person and work of Jesus Christ, through faith in His work, "...for whoever has entered God's rest has rested from his works as God did from His."  The high priests of Israel could not and did not save, for they were sinful men too.  They needed to offer sacrifices for their own sins.  But Jesus Christ was appointed as the Great High Priest, who had no sin of His own to atone for.  He suffered in His earthly life in order to learn obedience to the Father.  "And being made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him..."

Simply put, the word God has spoken to us in Jesus Christ is supreme!  All other ways did not effect salvation, but hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and believing in His finished work does!  Angels are servants, Moses was a servant, Joshua was a servant, the high priests were servants, but Jesus Christ is the Son!  May our hearts be at rest, knowing that in Jesus, God has spoken and still speaks with great power.  Let us be all the more certain not to neglect this salvation, but find our rest in Christ alone!