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From the Pastors at Joy

Post Category: Apologetics

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The Gospel Answer to Pluralism

In a blog post last week, I put forward one possible way for a Christian to respond to the common charge that holding to the exclusivity of Christ (that is, the idea that God has spoken finally and definitively in and through Jesus, and that no one can come to God or hear from God apart from His revelation in Christ) is a narrow-minded bigot....

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Religious Pluralism and the Exclusivity of Christ

“How could there be just one true faith? It’s arrogant to say your religion is superior and try to convert everyone else to it. Surely all the religions are equally good and valid for meeting the needs of their particular followers.”...

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Answering a Common Question

How do we respond to the objection that unbelievers often raise against Christians: that we pick and choose what we want to believe from the Bible, condemning homosexuality as sinful but ignoring tons of other commands from the Old Testament? ...

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