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From the Pastors at Joy

Archives for August 2014

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The Cry of a Calmed Heart

Yesterday I preached on Psalm 131, and David's calm and quieted heart. I mentioned a quote from David Powlison that put some flesh and blood on what a "noisy" heart sounds like. In hindsight, I wished I would have also referred to this short meditation from Paul Tripp, which I believe is a wonderful picture of a calmed, quieted soul. It's taken from his book, A Shelter ...

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Look! A Distraction!

We are distracted. We are so distracted, and so accustomed to it, that after a while we almost become distraction. We lose the ability to be still. We fear the quiet. We are intimidated by the moments where there is nothing to look at, nothing to do....

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Is it Ever Right to Tell a Lie?

As we saw in yesterday's sermon on Rahab, the New Testament looks back on her life as an example of faith. Yet as we read her story in Joshua 2, it's perplexing to see this notable woman of faith breaking one of the Ten Commandments. God clearly forbids lying, yet it's obvious in Joshua 2 that Rahab lies to the king's men who come to her home, questioning her about the Jew...

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